Very often it is commonplace that Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion or all of the three have your information reported and reflected on your credit report inaccurately. Inaccurate information can be your current residence, past residences, the current balance of a credit card, or even the showing of you making a late payment on one of your credit cards. This of course will most certainly adversely affect you with respect to your credit favorability and thus ability to obtain credit. At the very least, this will unnecessarily cost you a much higher interest rate.

It is your responsibility to monitor your credit and report inaccurate information. For this reason, it goes without saying that if you are anticipating a financing situation, you should be checking your credit at a minimum of one month in advance. The three sites that we recommend to our clients are,, and

In reality everyone should have an ongoing account and routinely check their report for inaccurate information. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970, (FCRA), the credit bureaus have an obligation to accurately report your credit information.

Click the links to go to each credit bureaus designated pages to update/dispute your accounts information.

  1. EXPERIAN/EX >>> Go to:
    *Phone #s: (877)284-7942 or (800)493-1058 or (714)830-7000

  2. EQUIFAX/EQ >>> Go to:
    *Phone #: (866)349-5191 or (888)202-4025

  3. TRANSUNION/TU >>> Go to:
    *Phone #: (800)916-8800 or (866)744-8221

It typically takes 7-10 business days after online disputes for updated balances to reflect on your credit report. Of course follow-up thereafter and check that the information has been updated and thus reporting correctly.

Disputes by Mail

(Only use these if you are unsuccessful online or on the phone.)

You may contact the credit bureaus at the following addresses: Experian

    P.O. Box 9701
    Allen, TX 75013
    PO Box 2000 Chester, PA 19022-2000
Equifax Information Services LLC
    PO Box 740256
    Atlanta, GA 30374

How to submit updates/disputes with the Credit Bureaus

***This blog is for educational purposes only and as such you are advised to seek out and consult with your legal and tax advisors prior to engaging in any decision making affecting your business.

Why Credit Pathway?

From no credit inquiry equipment financing to asset financing to simply funding you based on your revenue or personal credit or even a personal credit partner, we have solutions for all including bad credit and no credit. Grab Ahold of our 0% APR Line of Credit for the First 12 Months Up to $160,000 with a Lifetime Rate as Low as 7.99%. Zero Income or Asset Documentation is needed for our Start-Up Funding. Get funded with 100% confidence and security while avoiding the numerous time and finance traps


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